If you want to get accurate employment numbers, the payroll companies can give you that, ADP in particular has a historical report from month to month.
Note the non-farm payroll numbers from 2020M03 (16868963) to 2020M11 (7590529).
There were 16.9 million people employed (under ADP payroll) in this country back in march, vs only 7.59 million people today which is about a 55% drop.
tldr: shits fucked
I don’t understand how weakening the west economically leads to the economic interests of the ultra wealthy.
Then again, I don’t really understand why organizations like Black Rock are trying to kneecap the natural resources industry. You’d think the Rockefeller and Koch types would want this to perpetuate, with increased development, delivery and production.
Similarly, I don’t understand why Israel would want a weaker America, given they are reliant on transfer payments and a strong American economy and military
I can see how a multicultural society destroys national identity, and that makes for a population that is easier to subjugate to authority. I don’t get how destroying that societies ability to spend money enriches those with the most money