posted ago by flanders ago by flanders +46 / -0

I've got the IQ of a stump so I'm gonna write out some words, you can piece them together more gooder than me.

  • People always touching masks with their dirty hands
  • Breathing in the same funk and gunk after touching said mask with aforementioned hands
  • Being stressed during cold and flu season
  • Surrounded by people in confined spaces but it's ok because mask wearing
  • People not taking "disposable" to heart regarding masks, or having those custom made ones with neat designs that are so cheesy and they reuse them over and over and over. Ew!
  • Getting a mild chest cold, getting a test that has had a ton of false positives, being told "YER GONNA DIE!!!", and freaking the fuck out while adding to the New Cases numbers
  • Pneumonia is a potential complication, but does getting that mean you had C-19 in the first place?
  • Deaths are higher among old people who for the past howeverlong I can remember always seemed to be passing away this time of year yet we never locked down and freaked out.

Other words I cant think of, but the one thing that really bugs me is how many are being trained to not ask "why", but to also lash out at anyone who does.

Odd how the RATM "fuck you wont do what you tell me" crowd seemed to fall in line PDQ once the CBC told them what to do.