This country is so focused on appearing and feeling morally superior to the United States that all this liberal bullshit is taken to such extremes (so really communism). This dick measuring contest extends to the Chinavirus numbers the government decides to throw around too. Libtards use it to say Trudeau handled the Chinavirus so well just by comparing us to the USA where ironically, the worst numbers are in far left incompetent states/cities like New York. And their heads explode if you tell them individual states have all the power to impose measures so it is hardly to do with Trump unlike this broken country where provincial powers are not real and overridden by the federal government with conditional funding.
We used to have a proper functioning criminal justice system in the 60s then idiots decided criminals are actually the victims and completely rewrote the constitution to protect them. Notice they did not mess with civil court - that still works properly and nobody ever complains about it. Now we can't even incarcerate a terrorist serving a life sentence without the terrorist, who wants to kill us all and turn us into Canadastan, getting released on parole since everybody MUST get 2nd, infinitely many chances. Look up the court records in your local large cities if you can and you'll see it's all the same people who have a criminal record going back 30 years, but one day in jail and 12 months probation will totally fix the problem this time right!?!?!!!
Nobody in this country has ever innovated - especially not our politicians. Besides the "progressive" bullshit, they just copy policy from other countries, like Magnitsky. The times can cannot copy legislation, like legal marijuana (more on that later), we fail miserably. Does any other country ever talk about something Canada did that worked well? Global leader? Canada is a good model for something? Legal marijuana? NOPE, another big embarrassment to the world - black markets continue to thrive and the retards who voted for this in the first place now do not want marijuana stores in their communities because it may cause their children to become potheads. This country only leads in failing - in every metric.
With our horrible track record, leftists now believe Canada will be a leader in green energy??? If this did happen, it would be from Bill Gates, or some foreigner funding a project, paying americans working here. The people in this country don't do any work anymore and just collect cheques from Trudeau. But the mainstream media always tries to attribute the successes of other countries to Canada. (See Pfizer vaccine and MSM attributing it to a company in Vancouver) If the media does a story on Tesla changing the world 30 years from now, they would describe Elon Musk as a Canadian when it's the USA that allowed him to unleash his innovation to the world - but that does not fit the narrative.
No matter where you look, everything here is taken to the extreme. Public-private healthcare system like the rest of the western world? Nope. Only a public system with long lines so you die before you get treated - then Trudeau can keep your CPP pension. Criminal court system that considers impact on victim of crime or their family, impacts/dangers on society like other western countries when giving sentences? Nope, all sentencing guidelines are focused on the criminal being the victim, must be released and avoid jail time at all costs, and must be given the chance to be released - no long sentences. Build a road with asphalt? Let's ban oil based paints for road lines, which are safer for drivers, reflect well in the dark and rain, and don't fade away after a month for a shitty water based paint that you can only see on a sunny day like we are in California, and fades away after a couple weeks. So it's okay for the roadway to be 99.9% asphalt - which comes from oil - but the last 0.1% for painted lines cannot be made out of oil? The fuck? Chinavirus assistance payments taken to the extreme - far more per capita than other countries.
Because of this next level stupidity, Canada is a hub for white collar crime. Criminals are not afraid here. Again - Canada leads in failing.
The people voted for this. So yes, Canadians are really stupid.
This country is so focused on appearing and feeling morally superior to the United States that all this liberal bullshit is taken to such extremes (so really communism). This dick measuring contest extends to the Chinavirus numbers the government decides to throw around too. Libtards use it to say Trudeau handled the Chinavirus so well just by comparing us to the USA where ironically, the worst numbers are in far left incompetent states/cities like New York. And their heads explode if you tell them individual states have all the power to impose measures so it is hardly to do with Trump unlike this broken country where provincial powers are not real and overridden by the federal government with conditional funding.
We used to have a proper functioning criminal justice system in the 60s then idiots decided criminals are actually the victims and completely rewrote the constitution to protect them. Notice they did not mess with civil court - that still works properly and nobody ever complains about it. Now we can't even incarcerate a terrorist serving a life sentence without the terrorist, who wants to kill us all and turn us into Canadastan, getting released on parole since everybody MUST get
2nd, infinitely many chances. Look up the court records in your local large cities if you can and you'll see it's all the same people who have a criminal record going back 30 years, but one day in jail and 12 months probation will totally fix the problem this time right!?!?!!!Nobody in this country has ever innovated - especially not our politicians. Besides the "progressive" bullshit, they just copy policy from other countries, like Magnitsky. The times can cannot copy legislation, like legal marijuana (more on that later), we fail miserably. Does any other country ever talk about something Canada did that worked well? Global leader? Canada is a good model for something? Legal marijuana? NOPE, another big embarrassment to the world - black markets continue to thrive and the retards who voted for this in the first place now do not want marijuana stores in their communities because it may cause their children to become potheads. This country only leads in failing - in every metric.
With our horrible track record, leftists now believe Canada will be a leader in green energy??? If this did happen, it would be from Bill Gates, or some foreigner funding a project, paying americans working here. The people in this country don't do any work anymore and just collect cheques from Trudeau. But the mainstream media always tries to attribute the successes of other countries to Canada. (See Pfizer vaccine and MSM attributing it to a company in Vancouver) If the media does a story on Tesla changing the world 30 years from now, they would describe Elon Musk as a Canadian when it's the USA that allowed him to unleash his innovation to the world - but that does not fit the narrative.
No matter where you look, everything here is taken to the extreme. Public-private healthcare system like the rest of the western world? Nope. Only a public system with long lines so you die before you get treated - then Trudeau can keep your CPP pension. Criminal court system that considers impact on victim of crime or their family, impacts/dangers on society like other western countries when giving sentences? Nope, all sentencing guidelines are focused on the criminal being the victim, must be released and avoid jail time at all costs, and must be given the chance to be released - no long sentences. Build a road with asphalt? Let's ban oil based paints for road lines, which are safer for drivers, reflect well in the dark and rain, and don't fade away after a month for a shitty water based paint that you can only see on a sunny day like we are in California, and fades away after a couple weeks. So it's okay for the roadway to be 99.9% asphalt - which comes from oil - but the last 0.1% for painted lines cannot be made out of oil? The fuck? Chinavirus assistance payments taken to the extreme - far more per capita than other countries.
Because of this next level stupidity, Canada is a hub for white collar crime. Criminals are not afraid here. Again - Canada leads in failing.
The people voted for this. So yes, Canadians are really stupid.