posted ago by RussianBotBlyat ago by RussianBotBlyat +16 / -0

This is a serious question. Every time I call my riding's MP or MPP I either get their voicemail or some politically correct douchebag who won't actually get me on the phone with the REPRESENTATIVE who is supposed to be carrying my community's wishes and representing them in Federal/Provincial parliament?

I don't even remember hearing that there was a townhall or a direct Q&A between MPP/MP and their constituents.

Why the FUCK are these conservatives allowed to trod in and around parliament and vote on whatever the fuck the party wants them to vote without OUR having a say in it? Like..at all?

And the thing is, I might be a peasant, but apparently the same rings true to those who lead a more influential life. I just had a meeting with a multi-multi-multi millionaire and he just told me that he cancelled his membership because this party has not been listening to its own people and that it's been infiltrated by socialist communists.

What can we even do? It's not like I can just up and run for a conservative candidacy in my riding. I have to APPLY for candidacy and guess who votes for me? Actual candidate party members. So even if my constituency overwhelmingly supports me and wants me in to represent them, I have to be "voted in" by candidates that don't represent my own riding! What fuck is this bull shit can someone actually with a level-headed understanding of our system please explain this to me?