Supposedly these rules are meant to protect granny (this 58 year old granny is unlikely to be high-risk anyways unless she is morbidly obese or has a very serious immuno-deficiency). Yet they fined granny too. That's how you know this isn't about a virus anymore.
Seeing your grandchildren isn't essential.
Supposedly these rules are meant to protect granny (this 58 year old granny is unlikely to be high-risk anyways unless she is morbidly obese or has a very serious immuno-deficiency). Yet they fined granny too. That's how you know this isn't about a virus anymore. Seeing your grandchildren isn't essential.
Seeing your children isn't essential.
The government is your family.
Fucking your gf isn't essential.
Onlyfans is essential.
Small business isn't essential.
Big business is essential.
Amazon is essential.
Snitching on your neighbours is duty.