I imagine like most if you went to a new place, no connections, no friends youll see things fresh. Most of us walk by money making opportunities everyday, chasing pennies to lose dollars.
I recently got back to canada and noticed plenty of ways to make money that i hadnt thought of before. In two months i went from flipping furniture from thrift stores on a bicycle to buying a van and scaling up. Made 2000k cash my first month. Its doable, just throw some lines out and start small. Anything worth doing is worth doing at home first.
I imagine like most if you went to a new place, no connections, no friends youll see things fresh. Most of us walk by money making opportunities everyday, chasing pennies to lose dollars.
I recently got back to canada and noticed plenty of ways to make money that i hadnt thought of before. In two months i went from flipping furniture from thrift stores on a bicycle to buying a van and scaling up. Made 2000k cash my first month. Its doable, just throw some lines out and start small. Anything worth doing is worth doing at home first.