I'm starting to lose hope here. How long must people endure this Orwellian nightmare? What will it take to finally stand up and say no? What will it take for a broken mind to recover from this madness? Will there ever be a light at the end of the tunnel? Even if all this was to end tomorrow, how bad would scars of communism be?
I'm iching for a cause right now. I want to fight for a better future, One that will be Heinleinien. One that will see the NWO extinct and all that is globalism exstinquished.
Find strength in Him. Get a job in the Fedgov. Ignore/test the rules set out with legal challenges and hold people accountable. Change the hearts and minds of those around you. Ephesians 6:12
But, what if OP is not a transgender single-mother lesbian vampire indigenous-negro racemix satanist communist with a disability and actually has applicable job skills and is already a Citizen?
My friend works for the government and sees the writing on the wall. Hes in the process of getting out of the city and more to the bush. He knows as a white canadian in the government its only a matter of time before hes pushed out. He understands his living standard and income will change and when it does he will be somewhat ready. We all cant flee to the bush but we can use our eyes and ears to plan better going forward.
Just identify as one.
OMG you're smart. Big problem; simple solution. They created both. lol