Hungary is pretty based for a European country. Their prime minister Orban is known for being antimigrant, antiEU, pronatalist, profamily and pronationalist. I have heard of Western expatriates who have moved to that country and now live there, but becoming a citizen I imagine would be a difficult process.
Just move to a rural town in Alberta or Sask. There are plenty neighborhoods which would meet your "white only" criteria. There you can give your kids the experience I had. No paved roads, 4 churches in a town of 600, one school building for grade 1 to 12, classes of only 10 to 15 kids, shitty internet, you know every single soul and everyone hates Liberals.
Hungary is pretty based for a European country. Their prime minister Orban is known for being antimigrant, antiEU, pronatalist, profamily and pronationalist. I have heard of Western expatriates who have moved to that country and now live there, but becoming a citizen I imagine would be a difficult process.
Too late HRC, she will take after her mother.
Jokes aside, do you really want to live in a country which is a member of the European Union?
Just move to a rural town in Alberta or Sask. There are plenty neighborhoods which would meet your "white only" criteria. There you can give your kids the experience I had. No paved roads, 4 churches in a town of 600, one school building for grade 1 to 12, classes of only 10 to 15 kids, shitty internet, you know every single soul and everyone hates Liberals.
Paradise for a few, hell for the most.
Most people I went to school with already left the town.