posted ago by WhyAreYouLikeThis ago by WhyAreYouLikeThis +15 / -5

I keep seeing a bunch of comments that are made by either a) enemy infiltrators b) retards doing their work for them.

I hope everyone who isn't one of the above realizes what is going on here. Posts and comments such as "Canada is already doomed", "we've already lost", "_____ will win", "why even bother fighting back?" are contrived comments designed to destroy the moral of the people who would fight and die for Canada, including myself.

This tactic has existed for a long time and attempts to convince the other side that 1) it's not that you won't defeat us, it's that you can't win. It's not improbable for you to win, it's impossible for you to win. 2) give up now and well only shove our cocks down your throat a little. Make us wait and we'll rape you in the ass til you bleed and die. 3) deep down, you know that we should and will win. You know we're better than you. In your heart of hearts, you actually want us to win.

New technology is always employed to more efficiently and effectively distribute enemy propoganda. In WWI and WWII, airplanes were used to drop propaganda pamphlets into enemy countries. Today, they use the internet to send their propaganda right into your home.

Maybe the most shit for brain comment I've seen many times with slight variations is "get your exit strategy ready". And to where will you go, you fucktard? Let's assume for a second there is some perfect utopia to flee to. There isn't, but let's pretend there is for a moment. What do you think is going to happen once you show how much of a pussy ass coward you all are and abandon your country instead of staying and fighting for it? Spoiler alert, they'll conquer all the abandoned places and then come for your supposed utopia land. Brilliant plan. Instead of standing and fighting together, let's all scurry away and hope we find a hole they'll leave us alone in. The stupidity of this idea is rivaled only by the pussyness of it.

These infiltrators and/or retards are also obviously trying to run a smear campain by acting like genuine OC users and posting ridiculous shit to undermine the credibilty of the forum and all the forum users by association. A recent post referring to anyone non-white as "shit skins" and then using stats that are nowhere near accurate is one such obvious attempt to associate these fucktards who just spew "sHiT sKiNs GeT a BaJiLliOn DoLlArS a YeAr In FrEe MoNiEs" with people, such as myself, who have valid and fact based reasons to say it is complete racist bullshit to have mass immigration of 1.2 million people and then offer them special perks, such as 40% additional funding to companies who hire immigrant co-op students over white Canadian students.

Their goal is to say such stupid bullshit so often that being a poster here who raises valid issues that happen to involve race will be viewed as tantamount to trying to genocide all non-whites.

And then people will wonder why general people who don't want to be associated with actual racists will refrain from criticizing Trudeau's dumb fuck immigration plan for fear of being conflated with these retards who can't spell or do simple math.

So no, I will not "get an exit plan ready" and no I don't accept that the Canada I love is done for. No, I'm not a racist and no, I won't stop making points about issues involving race because certain retards here spew braindead racist nonsense with easily falsifiable "stats". Yes, I will keep posting properly reasoned, fact based, well logiced and researched (actual research, not a 15 second google search) arguments against horseshit identity politics driven campaigns against Canada and Canadians.

And I hope if anyone hears you in person speaking about abandoning Canada instead of fighting for it, that they beat your traitor head off a wall.