I’m betting the only “variants” exist, is in the desperate imaginations of the gov departments trying to constantly come up with new ways to keep people scared. As we go along it just gets more absurd.
“Muh 8th wave! Honestly everyone this time is reallllyl deadleeeeee!!”
Boy who cried wolf comes to mind with this bullshit.
If the public eventually just doesn’t hand wave the gov away saying “yeah yeah my arse it is fuck off now” then there’s no hope for Canada
I’m betting the only “variants” exist, is in the desperate imaginations of the gov departments trying to constantly come up with new ways to keep people scared. As we go along it just gets more absurd.
“Muh 8th wave! Honestly everyone this time is reallllyl deadleeeeee!!”
Boy who cried wolf comes to mind with this bullshit.
If the public eventually just doesn’t hand wave the gov away saying “yeah yeah my arse it is fuck off now” then there’s no hope for Canada