119 This is pretty spot on. (media.omegacanada.win) posted 3 years ago by Ninki333 3 years ago by Ninki333 +120 / -1 27 comments download share 27 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
Can you even call em males anymore? I personally see them as just whiny bitches. Though I did get the luxury (It's pretty much a luxury here from how rare they are.) of being friends with a guy who wasn't a whiny self pitying bitch.
Soy came about in the 30s and levels started falling before the 70s.
It seems there is a lot at play. Pesticides, phytoestrogens in processed food like soy, plastics acting as estrogens, and metalloestrogens.
Reduction in physical activity, reduction in sleep, and selection for “sensitive” males.