Us faggots were told to get out to the parks and trails and enjoy the sunshine by oUr Chief Medical Officer.... so I guess I'm still snubbing my nose.
We have a fucking large group of based people in this city who know all of this is total bullshit.
Maybe you shouldn't believe the "reddit news".
Our Premier also flatly stated that he would offer aid to Alberta before Ontario because nobody seems to care Alberta is being hit harder than Ontario per capita and Ontario has far more resources available.
So please fuck off with the East Coast trashing with 0 reason for doing so. ?
Yah, you can Fuck Off. This my Province not yours. OUR Premier and Chief Medical Officer also stated they have no interest in treating this like Enforcement. Just because we aren't run like Nazi's here, no need to be so jealous.
The ones caught from Ontario DELIBERATELY spread Covid here. SO YOU CAN FUCK THE HELL RIGHT OFF.
Us faggots were told to get out to the parks and trails and enjoy the sunshine by oUr Chief Medical Officer.... so I guess I'm still snubbing my nose.
We have a fucking large group of based people in this city who know all of this is total bullshit.
Maybe you shouldn't believe the "reddit news".
Our Premier also flatly stated that he would offer aid to Alberta before Ontario because nobody seems to care Alberta is being hit harder than Ontario per capita and Ontario has far more resources available.
So please fuck off with the East Coast trashing with 0 reason for doing so. ?
Yah, you can Fuck Off. This my Province not yours. OUR Premier and Chief Medical Officer also stated they have no interest in treating this like Enforcement. Just because we aren't run like Nazi's here, no need to be so jealous.
The ones caught from Ontario DELIBERATELY spread Covid here. SO YOU CAN FUCK THE HELL RIGHT OFF.
The shills are out on mass. The East vs West, the White vs Black etc. etc.
It's going to be pretty insane for awhile.
Sorry if some smug hipsters from Reddit hurt your feelings big fella ?