Ontario ICU capacities since January 2018
Comments (24)
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Nurses are really indulging in it
Ontario has a critical care information system which is probably the source of this chart. This chart is consistent with the weekly death rate chart: https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/71-607-x/71-607-x2020017-eng.htm by which I mean: A measurable increase in death rate should show up as reduced ICU capacity.
Both charts lack long term time series, and lack population-adjusted statistics for meaningful comparison with other years.
Thanks. Much appreciated.
Link please.
If the ICU capacities are down, why are they shipping patients to my small town hospital?
hAVEn'T yOu heArD??? yoUnG PEopLE aRE DroPPIng DeAD aT HOme aT an ALArmiNg RAtE!!!!1
Seconded. I keep saying this and getting downvoted. I can't convince anyone of anything with a JPG.
Also it's pretty bad we're at nearly 90% when all non-essential medical procedures (the bulk of ICU pre-covid) have been canceled.
Don't ask for a source here. Retards will get butthurt like:
"iT's ObViOuS. JuSt TaKe A lOoK aRoUnD."
If that's the way I thought and I didn't demand sources that I can personally evaluate, I'd just be reading CBC articles all day like every other retard who just accepts whatever they read.