What the fuck do these assholes get paid for. The fuckin queen is the enbodiemnt of opression and you want to get rid of McDonald, King and Borden. Good luck
I remember reading about that great founder of Canada, a lesbian woman from Tamil, India. I believe her name was Pavati Ontario, and they named the province after her.
So now they want to replace Canadian history. Holy shit when will the Wokeys stop? I agree it's nice to have some new faces on our money but most of the people on our bills are people that have shaped and moulded Canada and I think future generations need to know who founded this country and the history behind it. But the Wokeys continue their quest to erase history.
There goes MacDonald, Laurier, King, and Borden. Pretty much all our history erased minus the queen...WHO WE DON'T EVEN SERVE ANYMORE!
Whites have always been a global minority. It's just that they had their shit together with regards to civilization until the 1960's.
Just put birds back on the bills. Problem solved.
Don't forget to get some silver maple leafs, if nothing else because they're beautiful (aside from the Queen's ugly mug).
What the fuck do these assholes get paid for. The fuckin queen is the enbodiemnt of opression and you want to get rid of McDonald, King and Borden. Good luck
The Queen is male now?
When she dies, the next three in line will be.
I remember reading about that great founder of Canada, a lesbian woman from Tamil, India. I believe her name was Pavati Ontario, and they named the province after her.
So now they want to replace Canadian history. Holy shit when will the Wokeys stop? I agree it's nice to have some new faces on our money but most of the people on our bills are people that have shaped and moulded Canada and I think future generations need to know who founded this country and the history behind it. But the Wokeys continue their quest to erase history.