Liberal MPs aren't allowed to think. Their job is literally to toe the party line. If you ask them why they're not standing up for their constituents, they'd likely answer, "I am. My constitutents voted Liberal and thus they want what we're doing."
Cancucks, aside from good ol' country boys, have spent their entire history bending over for big-govvie and big-corpo provided by (( THE CROWN )) and Hudson Bay allegiances.
Liberal MPs aren't allowed to think. Their job is literally to toe the party line. If you ask them why they're not standing up for their constituents, they'd likely answer, "I am. My constitutents voted Liberal and thus they want what we're doing."
That goes for ever MP, Liberal or Conservative. See Sloan for example.
I would love to say yes, but will not hold my breath.
lol no.
Cancucks, aside from good ol' country boys, have spent their entire history bending over for big-govvie and big-corpo provided by (( THE CROWN )) and Hudson Bay allegiances.