Guess What? This is likely going to be an unpopular post. Guess What? I.don't.give.a.fuck. ?
Comments (81)
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As a moderator, it's Ham's job to be impartial. So his opinions don't matter. This is not Ham's house, this is everyone's house. We had an entire team of mods and they all left.
If this was a normal board yah. If you wanted a fucking normal board you would have left long ago with all the mods.
Why the fuck do people want to stay here if they don't like Ham or don't or can't figure out how the fuck to get along with him on his terms?
If he showed up on another board, saying what he says here, I'd expect people to go kinda whack on him but people here actually KEEP coming back despite calling him every name under the Sun. WHY?
How the fuck do you come to that conclusion? He has the keys, none of us do.
Imagine having little to offer, to anyone. You don't even have someone to simp for.
Imagine investing so much time just to oppose Ham while real shit is actually happening in the real world.
Imagine that is what someone considers an achievement.
Sounds like a total fucking Commie.
Yes, it's so much better to force yours on him.
Yes, yes, I totally, fucking get it.
Makes perfect sense.
Only certain people get an opinion.
Because their rights are above others.
Muh free speech...
But no, no, not for Ham.
Great Point. When did fucking Conservatives become about this fucking horse shit?
P.S - so apparently you also blind as a fucking bat. How many accounts do you think have been quietly shown the door? Pretty sure the number of accounts is just a tad bit higher than you have accounted for.
and they keep coming back and back and back... doing the same fucking thing. WTF
Ham doesn't want to play with some people anymore and they won't leave.
Those repeat accounts come back over and over and over and won't leave.
Exactly what part of he doesn't appear to fucking care anymore about how others fee fees are hurt as no one seemed to fucking care his fee fees were fucking hurt.
.... is this god damn,
What part of anonymous forum do you not comprehend.
No one, owes anyone, anything, at all, at any time, ever.
Did you miss the memo that THIS isn't reddit.
In the OC, One Mod Rules it all.
EACH Forum on .win has it's own hierarchy. PICK one that matches what you're looking for or make one.
Yah, I believe in personal responsibility. Anyone saying "Ham made me say it", "Ham made me look bad", "Ham made me do it"".... ?
You should of stayed on reddit if you wanted the same rules.
This isn't reddit.
If you have the guts to downvote this, have the guts to comment. I'll warn you now, I'm prime for the weekend and I handle over a hundred people a day, bring it if you got the balls and you think you can take me. ?
Ham gets his own place, that's all there is to it. I'll be here and I'll be elsewhere because I respect other people's right to Autonomy as well as MY OWN.
P.S. -
Usually I get paid quite a bit for my services.
I don't remedy, I rectify.
Picture twister, not spiral.
At least you commented to support your downvote...
Even if he is butt fucking crazy, he has the right to be butt fucking crazy.
You want serious?
Even if he or others are not right, it isn't any fucking different out in the real world. I see the same shit here and out there. Learn to deal with it or get eaten alive as the real shit begins to hit the fan. That's reality. It's going to get a lot worse out there before it ever gets better. If you can't find a way to rectify that, you are not going to make it and I don't want that for you or anyone else genuine.
I was dead serious when I said to you that I consider Ham's unintentional Training a benefit for the new world we are in.
You changed and went dark. I'm gonna have to guess shit is closing in on you or getting to you.
I'm going to say the same thing to you as I am saying to Ham. Take control of what you can in your own life and hold on to it.
P.S - I ain't no cuck and I damn well know the signs of crisis. Get a hold on things. The ride isn't over for any of us.
+1 cause you seem to need a sounding board. I'm fine with that but I ain't going to sugarcoat it anymore since you asked for a more serious tone.
Razor! You're alive! You haven't posted in a while. I was worried might have rightofsask killed you or something.
Just Curious.
Has Ham actually removed any of your posts or comments?
I've posted some pretty rank shit without removal.
Pretty much his trigger is anything PPC. As much as I don't get his hatred of everything PPC, I really don't give a fuck.
and on that subject, why the fuck doesn't Max have his own .win?
Oh yah, I know that exact feeling. Ya just know.
There are some potential Forum's in the works. You may have missed the posts made on here over the last weekish. Keep an eye out.
The same way ya just know about the above, I'm telling you Ham just wants people to start their own Forum's so he can have what he wants for his own.
There are some of us that would work well Forum hopping back and forth and enjoy what each have to offer, without making Ham and Omega an enemy like MC2 became.
Food for thought.
I’m just glad you’re no longer liking bs like this
Took you a while to snap out of it man but hey it sounds like you’re noticing the pathetic Reddit tier shit happening here. Personally I would prefer to deal with actual Reddit admins than this fucking loser Ham. Omega is fucking toast if there’s another Canadian .win community.
Now press S to spit on barosa and flank.
I already have said that was a dick move.
So he has communication issues. Not like this place doesn't have any other people in that category.... no none ?
I'm going go ahead a say, the milk is spilt, clean it up and move on.
The alternative with everything going on in the world is utter unending bickering over fucking tard shit.
and that is fucking more useless than screeching back and forth.
The thing is. This is his place. He isn't leaving. This place is at a point it needs to split. Ham has made it abundantly clear that he pretty much hates anything PPC. He isn't much on about GAW either. Both of which I myself have interest in but choose to explore elsewhere.
Pretty much from now on I'm splitting my time between Forums. I'll visit each for it's own subject matter and leave the others at the door in between.
There is a meme about lefties and SJW's invading spaces and taking it as there own. How is squatting in Omega any different when Ham has stated he's done?
The minute he played the PPC racist card I knew it was the End. The only time people carpet bomb like that is when they want it over and done. There is no going back from that. People can accept it and move on but there is no going back.
Frankly it's an opportunity for exactly what people want to be formed elsewhere.
and again, we wouldn't be here at all if Ham hadn't put this place in play. People can scream at him all they want about flaws but I'm positive few would be any better based on their responses on here.
Not seeing many who can cast stones without breaking their own windows.
and that's the thing. In January I got into with Ham. He was in a better mood back then compared to now and brought up the shit people say to him. I actually took the time to watch the threads since then (before they get deleted) and yah he has one hell of a litany of shit thrown at him. That's not even including mod hate mail.
For months I have had people in the real world going off like this right in front of me on a weekly basis, all over the place.
People in General are not acting right in the head all over. Cut them all some slack, World's Fucked.
This is the crux of OmegaCanadians.
I believe in full Autonomy. What you describe is against a fundamental line I will not waver on. This place is not a cooperative, it's a monarchy. Anyone who doesn't like the queen (most affectionations, Ham) can move along. Your free to have the opposite opinion but that item isn't debatable with me and as it appears, Ham and others also share similiar opinions on that subject.
If this was a cooperative than this issue wouldn't exist for you. Maybe you should realize what type of Forum you're in and what type of Forum you should be in.
In fact, I'd absolutely enjoy seeing a cooperative style Forum developed.
Anyone who thinks differently, please, by all means drop your fucking pants, open up your own .win, set it up, run it better and then and only then, will I pat you on the back and say well done.
Anyone who thinks they can do better, better be able to show just how it's done before they get respect, praise and authority on any Forum.
...brown..... or ..... white.... bread.... though
Rye obviously
Right LOL. I think it's a metaphor but it's a stupid one.
He wants his own CPC place. Not a fucking PPC one you fucking tard.
He wants his own CPC place. Not a fucking PPC one you fucking tard.
Excellent Form mate ?
Yah and I already called it a dick move.
Everyone here is a dick, so what. I frankly just consider Ham the head dick of dickery.
He wants his own forum with like minded people. PPC isn't what he wants for "his" place and crying that he handled it badly is useless. Who really fucking is that soft that they can't suck it up and move on or accept Ham for what he is.
Not a lot of people have good communication skills on a fucking shit posting board. Why the fuck are we judging Ham worse than any other ass on here?
You have brain damage
Why did you quit as a mod then?
You're a good man/woman TrueNorth77. We appreciate you standing up for what you believe in.
Well according to him he had some disagreements about Ham in regards to housekeeping of this community. It was very public.
He quit in an actual post he made but if you read the first comment chain, ham and TrueNorth77 address it here.
You're going to make me look for it? Thats going to take a bit. One sec.