posted ago by SamHandwich69 ago by SamHandwich69 +14 / -2

This started as a comment in another thread, but got so long that I decided it warranted its own post.

I am posting this with the hopes that I can clear the air or at leasr foster a more mature discussion. Maybe I am kidding myself; maybe even acknowledging this internecine conflict is giving oxygen to the flames. But this place has glowed like a halogen bulb for weeks now. So fuck it, I'm saying my bit, in case the bell tolls for me.

Let me start with some things I like about Ham:

  1. HamCanada is, visually, the best .win. Props to you, Ham, and those who helped. The separatist movements would have a much easier time leaving if this site wasn't, as a SITE, so much better than the alternatives

  2. In the ancient times, Ham was a fairly hands-off mod and in some ways he still is. Ham (generally) allows personal criticism and, more than once that I've seen, has erred on the side of forgiveness and laxity.

  3. He is a good one man focus group of an "unpersuadable" CPC voter. He offers us a fairly high quality version of the mainstream arguments as to why the party duopoly is a fact of life and we need to learn to accept it and so on. However, he often doesn't follow this argument to its logical conclusions. I understand why having the same arguments over and over again can be tiresome, and that on top of being a jannie the man has a life. I get it. But he has a history of simply retreating rather than address difficult arguments.

  4. Ham never gave me shit, personally, for my name. Of course, it's a fact of birth; I am the sixty-ninth in an unbroken line of Samuel Handwiches dating back long before the formation of this Dominion. Nonetheless, I can see why he might take it as a personal attack, an attempt at passing myself off as him, &c. At least publicly, he has not.

  5. Ham made some good memes over the years. Even the cringey ones were at least well-produced.

  6. He has my respect as a man and as a vet especially in light of what TN has said about him IN SPITE of his own grievances with Ham the MOD

Things I don't like about Ham:

  1. If he isn't on party payroll, or indirectly such as by Daisy Group & al., HE SHOULD BE. Why do it for free when you're such a true believer? SAY HIS NAME

  2. Definitely intentionally provokes the community so he can post screencaps on Twitter. That are retweeted by... SAY HIS NAME

Lending credence to the theory that he is a paid shill.

  1. While earlier I made reference to a sometime-apparent strain of magnanimity, it's not always the dominant strain. I've heard others refer to Ham as "bipolar." Sometimes tolerant, other times ban-happy. Not always responsive. Many HamCanadians fear an arbitrary ban. I have come to view it as inevitable, which in part is what motivated me to even write this in the first place.

  2. Much as 1 and 2, Ham at least SEEMS to be operating several shill accounts. I'm not here to name names, and honestly, I don't even give a shit because a bunch of people, including those he has banned, have several accounts. I have no PROOF, but I am inferring based on a pattern of behaviour. This is not an allegation that something is true; it's an observation that something looks like it may be true.

  3. Ham SEEMS to be subverting his OWN FORUM, and yet conflates fringe views held by spam posters with the views of an entire party. Ham obviously knows how message boards work both practically and psychologically. And yet the possibility of false flag internet shilling, something that people have been doing as a part of political organizing for at least 20 years, never seems to occur to him... unless of course, he's the one actually doing it. What Ham is doing is no different than pointing at the "MAGA Shaman" and saying "See? There was an occultist insurrection."

  4. Ham conflates how people react to his ENFORCEMENT of rules with disagreeing with the PRINCIPLE of the rule itself. Want to ban racism? Fine. C-10 making you feel uncomfortable? Come out and say it. I've never made a racist comment on here, and as I am NOT A RACIST, I never will. My gripes are not with "banning racists." My gripes are with the oppositional nature of Ham's relationship with the community AND SPECIFICALLY HOW HE IS USING THE "RACE ISSUE" to paint PPC supporters as 1488 to prevent the SPINELESS FEDERAL TORIES from HEMORRHAGING VOTES. Two thirds of PPC members I've met irl are non-white (albeit small sample size, but anecdotally that's more than other parties) including a party staffer, and I've heard of a bunch of LGBT and "diverse" candidates who ran in 2019. Of course, I VOTED CUCKSERVATIVE that election. CAVEAT EMPTOR.

  5. Ham will actually LEAVE UP posts that VIOLATE HIS OWN RULES if they fit his political narrative. We've all seen it.

I am SURE that this board gets brigaded from time to time by stormfags. Go ahead, keep banning them. In fact, ban MORE of them so we don't have to see OBVIOUS BAIT posted by LORD KNOWS WHO IF YOU GET MY DRIFT. The problem is, Ham encourages and inflames the stormfags through his PARTISAN POLITICAL ACTIVITY. And, although I HAVE NO PROOF, I would be lying to deny having STRONGLY gotten the sense that Ham was the one doing a lot of the stormfagging. There are a few recent examples that seemed particularly low effort.

And talking about, say, a Charles Murray book is NOT stormfagging. For fuck sake.

Let me be clear. I am NOT saying that Ham is a paid shill. I am saying he DEFINITELY ACTS like one. Whether or not he is or is not is relevant, but not critical.

What is the nature of Ham's relationship with the CPC? I have no clue. I make no specific allegations and I have no evidence that anyone who regularly lurks here doesn't have. We KNOW he's been brigaded for being a "neo-Nazi," so he's not passing any purity tests anytime soon, unless the whole "neo-Nazi" brigading thing was just some kind of front, like an undercover cop going to prison for a minor offense in order to establish his credibility or something.

But again. Do I have any evidence of this? NO! Am I ALLEGING IT? NO! I am simply mentioning the possibility to support the real point here: that whether or not ANY of the possibilities I will list below are true, he often ACTS as if they are. Sticking within a limited script with set parameters, and using repetition as his main rhetorical strategy. Or using "anti-racism" as a slide thread, bringing legitimate discussion to a screeching halt.

List of Alleged Hamspiracies:

  1. That Ham is a CPC staffer

  2. That he someday aspires to seek nomination for an elected position

  3. That Ham is actually a 600IQ big brain PPC shill posing as an ornery Cuckservative to disgrace the party by secretly redpilling us on why Bernier is actually the answer

  4. That Ham is paranoid about Bill C-10, Stormfag Brigades, OGFT plants, "neo-Nazi" allegations, and general bullshit affecting his real life

  5. That Ham is on consulting/comms firm payroll like Daisy/Cactus & al.

  6. That Ham has links to the "intelligence community" or to federal agencies, RCMP, sigint, &c.

  7. That Ham is part of X identity group which is why he does Y (I don't care at all about X, btw, just Y)

  8. That X group has Y dirt

8.5: esp. pertaining to certain "awards"

  1. That he simply feels like this place is his baby (and, to an extent, rightfully so) and feels like it's time to take his ball and go home

  2. That Ham feels somehow responsible for letting this place lapse into a pro-PPC principality and is trying to overcompensate

  3. What am I missing?


Honestly, I don't care. I'm here to shitpost, not to doxx or to get doxxed. But when Ham "rats on us" to the outside world like a gutless fink, he betrays our trust. And when he fosters the conditions to continue to exploit this place to somehow personally atone or otherwise augment his personal credibility, people will invariably feel betrayed. I'm here because I was betrayed by every major federal party, and I'm not allowed to talk about it anywhere else.

Ham is the reason why we all are here in many ways. He made the (good) site. And besides, all this drama is probably good for the site in some ways. Certainly more exciting than a lot of other stuff we've seen over the past year. I really do have respect for Ham, paid shill or not. But the man is so fucking prone to doing glowie shit that that alone, sadly, is the best/only real evidence I have that he isn't actually a glowie.

I've tried to be fair here boys. I don't like to waste my time shitting on Ham, yet here we are. The biggest reason I wish Ham would grow up is so that we can all stop shitting on him. We've beaten the horse to death and yet every week, theres another stunt, another meltdown, more complete fucking nonsense. It makes US ALL look ridiculous... WHICH IS THE INTENDED POINT! Not just your hand-picked sample of "PPC natsocs." Stop acting like WARREN KINSELLA, whether or not you actually are. Quit with the tiki torch obsession BULLSHIT.

As fun as the drama is, it can also be petty, juvenile, and destructive. It definitely dilutes the quality of debate overall. And I'm not innocent here, either. I've gently trolled. I've shiteposted.

If any of this seems unfair or underhanded, please let me know. I would like to address it clearly and openly. Thank you for reading my polemic.

No man is without sin. Not the least of whom myself.

Wishing you ALL the best,

Samuel Handwich LXIX