$1.1 trillion in debt.
Housing beyond the reach of anyone other than the super rich who use homes as poker chips. Either that or you live with everyone in the family under one roof.
No longer can one parent at a good job or two parents at an average job support a house, car, kids. Families are no longer a thing in major cities unless they're mega rich.
Jobs at an all time low, shit pay, no benefits.
400,000+ people set to immigrate every year and all of whom will need (but probably won't easily get) housing, food, jobs, on top of several hundred thousand more who come in through other programs.
Hospitals and schools crammed to the rafters. Not enough doctors being graduated. Crime at all time highs, courts that don't care to punish criminals. Social programs stretched to the max, and all we do is print more money.
If I've written anything that is untrue, let me know.
A boomer born in 1955 was already 35 by 1990, which is why this is a problem for millennials. Housing prices in Canada essentially doubled in the years leading up to the 2008 collapse and they are even higher than that today.
Millennials have the more debt and fewer assets than their parents did, thanks to low interest rates and government backed student loans. The colleges use this easy money to ramp up the cost of school. and low interest rates are also partly responsible for the skyrocketing prices of housing over the last 20 years.
When my father went to school to become an engineer, his first semester tuition was $300. That was in 1979. Even if you adjust for inflation and say that $300 in 1979 is worth $800 or $900 today, that's not even in the ballpark for the same school in 2021.