I remember being at some men's rights thingee, and there was an Indian guy there who swore all this Oppression Olympics/intersectional feminism stuff was a big in-joke he didn't get, and he was baffled that his fellow students would claim FOR him that he's oppressed when a) they're all in a big ol' Privilege Club (university), and b) They don't know anything about him. He was really disturbed when he figured out after a few months that these people were serious.
And there was a guy from Korea who was studying medicine who said he really put an effort into understanding the material of the electives he had to take. He looked up all the definitions for the weird words in woke, post-modern crap he had to read, and tried to reason it out. Came to the conclusion that it none of it really said anything, didn't help him in any way, and couldn't be argued with because it didn't address anything real.
I remember being at some men's rights thingee, and there was an Indian guy there who swore all this Oppression Olympics/intersectional feminism stuff was a big in-joke he didn't get, and he was baffled that his fellow students would claim FOR him that he's oppressed when a) they're all in a big ol' Privilege Club (university), and b) They don't know anything about him. He was really disturbed when he figured out after a few months that these people were serious.
And there was a guy from Korea who was studying medicine who said he really put an effort into understanding the material of the electives he had to take. He looked up all the definitions for the weird words in woke, post-modern crap he had to read, and tried to reason it out. Came to the conclusion that it none of it really said anything, didn't help him in any way, and couldn't be argued with because it didn't address anything real.