posted ago by Metamegaman ago by Metamegaman +23 / -0

Just like the title says. Take steps to incrementally improve yourself. Help like-minded people better themselves.

I was on MetaCanada and liked it so I came here. I love the memes, shitposting, retard humour, bitching about wokeism and how Hammy is an insufferable centrist but I like seeing some serious stuff too like thoughtful insight, current events, perspectives from intelligent people (some times slim pickens). Motivational stuff too.

How are you bettering yourself? Im listening to less of the same music playlist on my commute and doing educational podcasts (history, finance, etc.) and brushing up on my French. Might learn a whole new language. Eating healthy, getting exetcise. I also do jobs for friends and like-minded acquaintances for free or cheap/labour trades. This is how our civilization got great. By not being complacent.