It used to be a conservative/liberal value to engage with people and ideas that one disagrees with.
This respect of individualism is a arge part of what made our society great, and Peterson helped me understand that each side needs to be represented to have a healthy society.
Given that my posts are being censored it’s time for me to move on. I’ve come to understand that discussing PPC in anything other than a negative light is banned here
My only suggestion would be to keep an open mind, and don’t become trapped in hatred. I do still believe most people on each side has decent intentions.
Someday we’ll need to reconcile, and the more poisonous things become, the longer we remain separated in our respective tribes.
That'll happen right about the same time as the Green party reconcile with the Liberals, or the Toronto Maple Leafs reconcile with the Habs, which is never. They're rival teams competing for the same points. There is no reconciliation while remaining separate parties. That's not how it works. That's why metacanada turned from a fun shitposting community into a toxic cesspit overnight the very moment Max split off and started his own party and it's been that way ever since. This cannot be a "community" with two warring factions in it. It can only be a vitriolic cesspit. And the party that gets to stay isn't going to be the one that'll never even win a seat let alone an election. That would be an immense waste of space.
Every single election in this country's 150 year history has been won by one of the two major parties, and that's not likely to change. So if you want change, you have to effect it from within the CPC.
You should be pissed off at Bernier for rage-quitting the party out of petty personal spite for his colleagues, dragging you all out into the political wilderness and depriving you of representation in parliament. He should have stuck it out and kept pressing your concerns from within the official opposition, and eventually from within the government.
Instead he chose to divide us because he knew he could make a quick buck off of those who chose to follow him, and he was willing to sell his country out to perpetual Trudeau rule to do it. He is a scoundrel.
Hahaha, so many downvotes. Some things never change.