I went the other way, held my nose and voted CPC and still got fucked. So the problem isn't the millions that voted for Trudeau, it's the tens of thousands that voted PPC? Yup, lots of logic there. Is the hate on of the PPC going to be the new Canadian Trump derangement syndrome? The CPC flip-flopping on a number of issues is responsible for people voting PPC. This bullshit about "the PPC took our vote" shows how entitled these fuckers are. It's not your vote CPC, it's the citizen's vote, and you failed to deserve it.
I went the other way, held my nose and voted CPC and still got fucked. So the problem isn't the millions that voted for Trudeau, it's the tens of thousands that voted PPC? Yup, lots of logic there. Is the hate on of the PPC going to be the new Canadian Trump derangement syndrome? The CPC flip-flopping on a number of issues is responsible for people voting PPC. This bullshit about "the PPC took our vote" shows how entitled these fuckers are. It's not your vote CPC, it's the citizen's vote, and you failed to deserve it.