Bad-faith operators know people were upset.
Bad-faith operators inspire the convoy for purpose of showing the people what happens when you defy the government (bank accounts seized, arrests, held without bond, charged with domestic terrorism) ... so that during the next crisis, few will stand up.
Twig - a weak, usually dry and brittle, stick, easily broken.
Faggot - a bundle of twigs which feign strength when bound together.
Here's the story:
Bad-faith operators know people were upset.
Bad-faith operators inspire the convoy for purpose of showing the people what happens when you defy the government (bank accounts seized, arrests, held without bond, charged with domestic terrorism) ... so that during the next crisis, few will stand up.
Twig - a weak, usually dry and brittle, stick, easily broken.
Faggot - a bundle of twigs which feign strength when bound together.
Trudeau sent several faggots.