Corporate greed, not wages, is behind inflation. It’s time for price controls | Robert Reich
Corporations are using rising costs as an excuse to increase their prices even higher, resulting in record profits. We need limited price controls to break this cycle
Didn’t read. Didn’t click. Don’t care what this far leftist, communists opinion rag thinks. Belongs on Reddit.
Go back to r/ fat pride Ultrafucked
Facist refuses to expand his worldview? Say it ain't so
Definitions of Fascism:
—- A system of government marked by centralization of authority, oppressive, dictatorial control, where media is owned by and controlled by the government, and where peaceful opposition to the government is violently crushed.
So like how y'all want just Trump to be in charge with no oversight? And how the only media y'all consume is fox and other shit that reports constant falsehoods?
WTF what’s your deranged obsession with Trump? Why are you always thinking about Trump? WTF is wrong with your brain? What did Trump personally do to you Ultrafucked?
✅ - Trudeau’s pays for his State run media and propaganda newsprints.
✅ - Trudeau threatens healthy people with unemployment, loss of livelihood if they resist his Regime
✅ - Trudeau builds quarantine camps, denies the right to leave the country, and falsely accuses Regime dissenters of being diseased
✅ - Trudeau ordered Interprovincial check points, demanding you to “show me zee paypahs!”
✅ - Trudeau arrests peaceful protesters at gunpoint, imprisons regime protesters.
✅ - Trudeau invoked the Wars Measures Act to arrest peaceful protesters at gunpoint
❌ Trump did none of that.
✅ You support Fascism UltraFucked, Trudolf Castro, is your fascist Dictator.
The far left’s accusation of fascism is always a confession.
Ultrafucked thinks that Far Leftist Echo Chamber Reddit and The Guardian expands people’s worldviews.
Your even dumber and slower than I thought
Death shill buries his head deeper in someone's rectum. Allagory of the cave if the cave is wilful ignorance and you're fighting and screaming for the shadows against the wall
Corporate greed has been around since the beginning of time. That’s not what’s causing inflation right now. Covid lockdowns created supply issues. Supply issues increased prices. Governments forced lockdowns. Governments created this mess.
Who told you that dawg
Nobody needs to tell me this.
Urallfucked, here's a basic Economics lesson:
Businesses will always look to maximize profits. This will put inflationary pressure on the economy. It's been happening since the beginning of time and will always continue to happen.
Increasing wages will also put inflationary pressure on the economy. This has also been happening since the beginning of time.
This is normal. What is not normal is the recent massive shifts which have altered the equilibrium that has been normal for decades and, subsequently, created massive inflation:
Wages are relatively low right now. Wages are a function of supply and demand. Right now, there's ample supply, keeping wages historically low. Why? Look to your governments that have increased the supply of labour by crazy amounts. Your governments don't care about you.
Covid lockdowns had extreme interruptions to the supply chain. Supply of goods is extremely low. So, any goods available in market will naturally cost more due to scarcity. Your governments did this. They don't care about you.
gas scarcity. I'm not an expert in this. But I do know that gas scarcity and gas prices affect the prices of all goods. Gas prices have been increasing.
Uralfucked... You basically are fucked unless you learn to fend for yourself. You have your hopes set on "late stage capitalism" and governments providing for you in the near future. Governments will never care about you, even if you manage to get your socialism which you're dying to get.
If you baffoons don't realize it's manipulation to make you support dropping the carbon tax, something which affects companies more than normal people by a long shot, then you're wilful sheep and idk what to tell you.