Immediately after forecasting the old Boomer would start Frantically Copy Pasting in a desperate last ditch misdirect effort, we’ll whaddyaknow, the Boomer immediately started frantically copy pasting.
Not once, not twice, not three times, but copy-pasted 4 times, because the Boomer was out brain and out of intelligent replies.
Wow did I call it or what.
Immediately after forecasting the old Boomer would start Frantically Copy Pasting in a desperate last ditch misdirect effort, we’ll whaddyaknow, the Boomer immediately started frantically copy pasting.
Not once, not twice, not three times, but copy-pasted 4 times, because the Boomer was out brain and out of intelligent replies.
Slow and old. Boomer confirmed.
Go to bed Boomer, your dementia is winning