She says:
Why do I need to adjust my life
Over six and a half million people dead, hospitals plugged, elective surgeries delayed, people dying in hospital emergency rooms while waiting for medical help - -
Kronder12 finds it all SO annoying.
And? Why do you think he needs to adjust his life?
Hands up folks - how many of you feel you deserve to be unaffected by a global pandemic?
You can be affected or you can be forced to do unnecessary things that make everything worse due to a political overreaction.
Yes, keep begging people to adjust their life because of your irrational fears. You’re the weirdo.
Well, I'm just passing on what virtually every medical institution and relevant subject matter expert on the planet says.
If that makes me a weirdo to you you should consider what that says about you.
⚠️ Warning, this elderly Boomer gets medical advice from Reddit comments and from Facebook. Medical misinformation is a staple in every Tuchidot post.
“Here are Reddit comments, get to know them abit” 😂
“Here is a Facebook link” 💩
No, perhaps you misunderstood, you're a weirdo because you expect people to adjust their lives due to irrational fears propagated by governments that overreacted for political reasons. Nobody cares if you, personally, change your life because the government tells you that you should.