Oh man you're gonna be livid when you look up the loans given out during the pandemic that businesses didn't have to pay back and just resulted in ceo pay increase.
Those businesses are now discovering the weaponized CRA is taking business' who took the handouts over the tax coals and bankrupting them.
Didn't the business handouts also require the business to write over a portion of the ownership to the government? Sounds like a lot of stupid or desperate business are getting a surprise as the plans of the Trudeau government hatch.
Oh man you're gonna be livid when you look up the loans given out during the pandemic that businesses didn't have to pay back and just resulted in ceo pay increase.
Those businesses are now discovering the weaponized CRA is taking business' who took the handouts over the tax coals and bankrupting them.
Didn't the business handouts also require the business to write over a portion of the ownership to the government? Sounds like a lot of stupid or desperate business are getting a surprise as the plans of the Trudeau government hatch.