23 Killed by lethal injection. Diagnosed with cancer Jan 2024. Died from cancershots 4 months later. (media.omegacanada.win) posted 284 days ago by Reeforme 284 days ago by Reeforme +23 / -0 21 comments download share 21 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
He got the death Juice, the nurse probably gave him an extra dose
I took the cancershots too.
Murdered by a white nurse.
Jeez Dead within 4 months. Serious turbo
81% of the people in Canada and the US have been vaccinated for covid.
Keep in mind that "The COVID-19 pandemic has substantially disrupted delivery of healthcare services, most particularly cancer control and care services. Clinical interruptions have delayed care for existing patients with cancer as well identification of new cancers via screening."
Cancer killed people before covid.
If people are going to claim that deaths from cancer are now caused by covid vaccines they should provide some proof.
Otherwise it's just more misinformation on social media.
Reeferman thinks before covid 76 year olds didn't used to die folks.
Reeee more fat boomer. So glad you got your cancershots
OJ was one of the 81% of the population of the US that has received a covid shot.
According to the scholars here at OC they will all only die as a result of being vaccinated.
Seems legit, eh folks?
So happy you got your cancershots.