Folks, holy shit, do I ever regret taking the forced vaccinations. Fuck.
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⚠️ Caution ⛔️
Violent-Marxist posting misinformation and dangerous personal opinions below ⬇️ Downvote misinformation.
Typical lies from the regular liars folks.
We all know the impostor has a tendency to misquote/alter/lie about what other people have said.
And in this case she's passing on misinformation from John Solomon, who has "a history of bending the truth to his storyline" and is "notorious for massaging facts to conjure phantom scandals".
The actual research being referred to - which the impostor would never link for you - says:
"Kim et al. [48] in a retrospective cohort study comparing the incidence of MI and ischemic stroke after COVID-19 infection between patients who were never vaccinated and those who were fully vaccinated (2 doses of mRNA vaccine or viral vector vaccine) found that vaccination was associated with a reduced risk of both."
You should ask yourself "Why is the impostor always lying to us?
🚨 u/Tuchodi’s dangerous misinformation got downvoted to hell