So I saw these pictures posted on /r/Toronto of this suspect who posted "vile, racist" signs at the Finch subway station, and all it said was the signs were "anti BLM". I searched and searched and every news story I found just repeated this quote from the TTC saying it was vile and racist. Nothing about the actual content of the signs.
Does anyone know what these signs said? Was there any racism at all? The fact that they are not releasing any info about it makes me think it was simply anti BLM which should not be a crime.
This is the original post from the TTC:
Well, considering that it was a white guy smoking a dart inside fucking Finch subway station it probably was completely insane and racist as hell.
I'd guess multiple terms that all would agree are racial slurs, schizophrenic conspiracies and maybe even some pictures that a member of the KKK might think was taking things a bit far.
You will encounter precisely three, and only three kinds of people at Finch station. People who are going to York and have to be there, the craziest gangsters in Canada and schizophrenics who live in public housing.
This guy is either the ballsiest cunt in the country or completely insane and from the photo I think safely assume it's the latter.
I'm just amazed he wasn't shot.