I've been banned like 50000000 times, you unoriginal weapons-grade retard.
You think being banned from an extremist website like reddit means anything to normal people? That's actually like a standard in your mind that you hold people to?
"DIDN'T U GET LYK BANNED FROM REDDIT LEL?" I mean who literally gives a fuck about that except people who have no life except the internet?
I've been banned like 50000000 times, you unoriginal weapons-grade retard.
You think being banned from an extremist website like reddit means anything to normal people? That's actually like a standard in your mind that you hold people to?
"DIDN'T U GET LYK BANNED FROM REDDIT LEL?" I mean who literally gives a fuck about that except people who have no life except the internet?
Your life is sad, eat less soy.
Okay fagpigy ?