As a half-faggot, this shit offends me. There are plenty of queers who aren't hurting for cash and can buy their own food or get it delivered for a fee. Woke Capitalism is so cringe. This shit is actually making cis heterosexuals resent us and make them more bigoted. Faggots fought so hard just for the right to have sex with the same sex without being assaulted, imprisoned, put into quarantine and to file their taxes jointly with their same sex partner. And then you have faggots who go out doing shit that makes us look bad and makes people resent us and makes them into bigots.
As a half-faggot, this shit offends me. There are plenty of queers who aren't hurting for cash and can buy their own food or get it delivered for a fee. Woke Capitalism is so cringe. This shit is actually making cis heterosexuals resent us and make them more bigoted. Faggots fought so hard just for the right to have sex with the same sex without being assaulted, imprisoned, put into quarantine and to file their taxes jointly with their same sex partner. And then you have faggots who go out doing shit that makes us look bad and makes people resent us and makes them into bigots.