So our societies have gone through a major social event that led to upheaval and all sorts of mayhem. Cities burned, people got shot, stores looted, and so on. Even caused a beloved prime minister to cuck himself in the middle of a street. More recently, a key piece of evidence is revealed that shows precisely what happened that fateful day of the event that set things into motion. Yet the media is for the most part silent about it. Just check out the front page of the CBC, Globe and Mail, and even the National Post. What do you see? Nothing. Where are the breathless Breaking News about the video that shows George Floyd's unjust execution at the hands of a racist cop? Nowhere to be found.
And that, my fellow bigots, is the sound of silence.
Everyone I know blindly trusts them. Their "opinions" have literally been mainstream media headlines / talking points. None of them read past the headline. None of them realize "their opinion" is not even their opinion, even as it constantly contradicts itself in perfect tandem with the constantly moving goalposts.
This is psychological warfare against anyone that doesn't conform.
Can't deny any of that.
"We dun fucked up" MSM.
Russian troll