Here's the way I see it: I didn't delete because A) it's still nice to shitpost on Reddit and call the commies out once in awhile, and B) I enjoy using Reddit resources against them so long as I don't have to pay for it. Fuck them, they can pay for server time and admins while I search for memes. I'll never buy anyone a gold reward ever again, and Reddit will never (directly) see another red cent from this cowboy.
Here's the way I see it: I didn't delete because A) it's still nice to shitpost on Reddit and call the commies out once in awhile, and B) I enjoy using Reddit resources against them so long as I don't have to pay for it. Fuck them, they can pay for server time and admins while I search for memes. I'll never buy anyone a gold reward ever again, and Reddit will never (directly) see another red cent from this cowboy.