"Look at those stupid fucking morons and their lack of sources, lol omg the sources they provided are legitimate - as if post millenial or national post are to be taken seriously...unlike the CBC, the CBC doesn't lie, its in their mandate lol omfg you metacanada cucks are so dumb lol I can't believe lol..."
Can you give it a rest?
Give what a rest?
Does everything have to be a question?
Are you Socrates?
You are not Socrates.
If you are going to make a statement, then ensure you have sources that support that statement.
"Look at those stupid fucking morons and their lack of sources, lol omg the sources they provided are legitimate - as if post millenial or national post are to be taken seriously...unlike the CBC, the CBC doesn't lie, its in their mandate lol omfg you metacanada cucks are so dumb lol I can't believe lol..."