posted ago by SparkPlasma ago by SparkPlasma +6 / -1

I having a daring hypothesis:

"Woke" is synonymous with "brain-addled via RF radiation"

Or, in another sense:

Wireless technology and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.

Around 2005-2010, the smartphone generation exploded. Beginning with the iPhone, internet connectivity and the idea of having wireless devices capable of high-speed WiFi and/or cellular data connections became prevalent and basically an expectation for everyday life by the end of the 2010's. Along with this, there has been a marked increase in a variety of mental illnesses and retarded-adjacent political discourse.

You're average Wokie is what many would call "terminally online", highly accepting of transgenderism, feminism, racism (against whites), sexism (against males), etc. The reason that being terminally online is associated with these beliefs, I posit, is because these beliefs are a direct effect of constant use of wireless devices such as cell phones and laptops, and generally being in the presence of a significant amount of RF radiation by living anywhere with high population density and technological development such as Western cities.

Everyone I know who is a tranny, is also figuratively glued to their cellphones. If someone indicates that they use Reddit, Twitter, or other online services frequently, this is a strong indicator that they believe progressive dogma. Indeed, I believe that the fact that someone uses a Reddit or Twitter app on their phone constantly literally causes them to become idiotic progressives by addling their brain.

Every person who frequently uses a cell phone or laptop will become a stupid progressive. Every job which requires usage of these devices will be captured by woke dogma.

How does this work? Your brain operates on subtle changes in electrical potentials which is the very process of thought. RF radiation stimulates the billions of neurons in your brain which act as mini antennae and to some degree scrambles the proper thought patterns and information association capabilities (this is my unsubstantiated belief). If looking for more evidence than intuitive reasons, some searching can show that RF signals can interact in negative ways with mitochondria and cell membrane proteins, causing a variety of deleterious effects such as autoimmune disorders or psychiatric issues.

Personally, while working at an office job, I had generalized depressive symptoms, frequently flirted with progressive political stances, and had near-constant nasal congestion and itchiness which I could not peg down to a specific allergy. The allergic response is the most obviously notable improvement that I can notice, although the others have also improved, because this symptom would become terrible whenever I was at work (surrounded by wireless devices), used my laptop at home (directly next to a router), or especially when I layed in bed with my phone inches from my face. Non-functional nasal passages, extremely itchy nose, and 10's of successive sneezes in a row. This has been consistent whenever I've used RF devices, or people around me use them. In the past weeks, I have cut out RF radiation from my life as much as is possible and noticed vast improvements in these symptoms, such that they have nearly disappeared. I've noticed that my father has developed similar symptoms since he began heavy use of a tablet at home, now having a recurrent itchy nose and suddenly anti-Trump political views. I'm loathe to present my thoughts on this matter until I am more certain in my own convictions however, since this type of reasoning often brands oneself as a literal tinfoil hat-wearing conspiracy theorist.

I'd like to implore the users of this forum to consider this framework when viewing the problems of leftism that we often complain about about today, since I believe it has some explanatory power, as well as to experiment with your own conditions to see if you're affected by this phenomenon.


  • Symptoms of mental illness and stupid political rhetoric, on the left especially, have risen in line with the explosion of wireless technologies. I believe there is a causative effect here.

  • How idiotic and left-wing a forum is can be predicted by the likelihood that the user uses a wireless device to access it. Twitter especially, Reddit since the development of mobile apps, 4chan and win communities least affected.

  • How idiotic and left-wing a person is can be predicted by their degree of usage of wireless devices.

  • I'd prescribe personal avoidance of wireless technologies for your own well-being. I think a more generalized movement against wireless technologies is necessary for the future of mankind. I think the current move towards greater interconnectivity (eg. 5G, IoT) spells disaster for the human race.

  • This framework of belief explains many of the modern issues that we face.