Yeah that's the whole point to code-switching, they just don't like it whene I ... APPROPRIATE and refine their typical tricks .. and then BTFO their gay girlie "balls" LOL I rather enjoy that, like rapping a dog on the nose with a rolled up paper .. I mean, if the dog was a cunt cat in a Dog's body, and I'd hit poor little doggo for simply barking!! lol but no, I'm not like them - and tht's the whole joke, really.
"wah wah wah you CAN'T use post-modernist "sarcasm" (ie: LIES, presenting opposite like "AS SEEN ON TV" shysters and hucksters ! That's NOT FAIR and and a HATE CRIME! OMG nazi dogwhistle white supremacy! hahahah.
:( awww muffin LOL ...
I think y'all newfags need to lurk moar and study up on the history of /pol/'s cultural response to morons/criminals/psychos taking advantageof the unfettered free speech and subsequent adoption of "objectionable" bling (Stormfaggots being the first biggest kek-granted MEME MAGIC that we memed into reality. ...
Same thing as OG HA (Sonny's crew) adopting the Skull n Bones, really. Scares away the normalfaggots, and I basically employ the "joking/crazy'/drugs/dismissal of the day" to grant me plausible deniability and speak my truth.
But hey, after I play AHS like a fiddle y'all can school me on language! :P
((I bet most people would tick the "angry / annoyed" box for my perceived response to being proven wrong, corrected, etc... lol but yeah, like the libtards and conservative opinion prediction, that never works out for htem in the end either.
actually giving a fuck what emotional retards FEEL about a tactical sock
"OH MY GOSH just don't downvote me, I'll do anything! I'll SUCK YOUR DICK!!!!"
-ham n flanky prolly
haha just kidding lol don't mean that one bit eh, those guys are very solid and stuff bro!
How many times am I going to have to cite the Goldwater rule for you faggots before you realize that I'm immune to even your most persistent and intense gaslighting?
You're worse than a woman
Daily reminder that you'd quit and give up 1/10th into my daily reCaptcha fading digi-cockblock cuck-clickies and claim the IT guy really broke his computer, not him.
I cunt hear you!
Don't take everything so literally, boomer! The memes are real now, you know.
Yeah that's the whole point to code-switching, they just don't like it whene I ... APPROPRIATE and refine their typical tricks .. and then BTFO their gay girlie "balls" LOL I rather enjoy that, like rapping a dog on the nose with a rolled up paper .. I mean, if the dog was a cunt cat in a Dog's body, and I'd hit poor little doggo for simply barking!! lol but no, I'm not like them - and tht's the whole joke, really.
"wah wah wah you CAN'T use post-modernist "sarcasm" (ie: LIES, presenting opposite like "AS SEEN ON TV" shysters and hucksters ! That's NOT FAIR and and a HATE CRIME! OMG nazi dogwhistle white supremacy! hahahah.
:( awww muffin LOL ...
I think y'all newfags need to lurk moar and study up on the history of /pol/'s cultural response to morons/criminals/psychos taking advantageof the unfettered free speech and subsequent adoption of "objectionable" bling (Stormfaggots being the first biggest kek-granted MEME MAGIC that we memed into reality. ...
Same thing as OG HA (Sonny's crew) adopting the Skull n Bones, really. Scares away the normalfaggots, and I basically employ the "joking/crazy'/drugs/dismissal of the day" to grant me plausible deniability and speak my truth.
But hey, after I play AHS like a fiddle y'all can school me on language! :P
((I bet most people would tick the "angry / annoyed" box for my perceived response to being proven wrong, corrected, etc... lol but yeah, like the libtards and conservative opinion prediction, that never works out for htem in the end either.
"OH MY GOSH just don't downvote me, I'll do anything! I'll SUCK YOUR DICK!!!!"
-ham n flanky prolly
haha just kidding lol don't mean that one bit eh, those guys are very solid and stuff bro!
How the fuck has no one here read the Art of War?
How many times am I going to have to cite the Goldwater rule for you faggots before you realize that I'm immune to even your most persistent and intense gaslighting?
You're worse than a woman
Daily reminder that you'd quit and give up 1/10th into my daily reCaptcha fading digi-cockblock cuck-clickies and claim the IT guy really broke his computer, not him.
lol I know the type.