Sociocultural and interpersonal bullshit aside, I want to say that in this manner; the trannies are textbook definition of "based" (source: ) because it takes some real fuckin BALLS to put on the institutional hole's uniform!
I want to say that and maybe pain and rehab redemption arc is what I want to be, but case studies and autopsies and even the most intentionally bungled investigations can't help but catch an errant one or two Col. Williams here and there as the CODB!
id be scared shittless if I had to fight these "ladies"
Sociocultural and interpersonal bullshit aside, I want to say that in this manner; the trannies are textbook definition of "based" (source: ) because it takes some real fuckin BALLS to put on the institutional hole's uniform!
I want to say that and maybe pain and rehab redemption arc is what I want to be, but case studies and autopsies and even the most intentionally bungled investigations can't help but catch an errant one or two Col. Williams here and there as the CODB!
**UPDATE: CDS releases audio recording of highest-level meetings @ NDHQ #CAF_GAY_PRIDE #TOLERANCE #LOVE1enemy: