It wouldn't exactly be shocking.
Sir John A. did a lot of work with the Chateau Clique and solicited funds from them to build the railroad (Molson in particular.)
However, Trudeau comes from the Laurentian Elite. The force that opposed the Chateau Clique in Quebec.
If you can believe it, his political lineage goes right back to fucking Papineau himself. Bourassa tapped his father when he was just in his teens for politics with the Liberal Party.
We are talking about a 200 year-old bitter struggle for supremacy. I'm sure that Trudeau is secretly quite pleased that Sir John A's legacy is being wrongfully trampled and his monuments torn down and forgotten.
Fucking rebels.
It wouldn't exactly be shocking.
Sir John A. did a lot of work with the Chateau Clique and solicited funds from them to build the railroad (Molson in particular.)
However, Trudeau comes from the Laurentian Elite. The force that opposed the Chateau Clique in Quebec.
If you can believe it, his political lineage goes right back to fucking Papineau himself. Bourassa tapped his father when he was just in his teens for politics with the Liberal Party.
We are talking about a 200 year-old bitter struggle for supremacy. I'm sure that Trudeau is secretly quite pleased that Sir John A's legacy is being wrongfully trampled and his monuments torn down and forgotten.
Fucking rebels.