Granted, loyalty to family and patriotism can be constructive values. Independence and self-realization can also be constructive. Unfortunately, China is prohibiting those two: independence and self-realization -- not just for Chinese children, but for American children too. Yet, without independence and self-realization, would Disney even exist? Probably not. Nor would thousands of other innovative American companies. China values conformity and compliance. In America, there is more emphasis on values that support innovation, including independence and self-realization.
Granted, loyalty to family and patriotism can be constructive values. Independence and self-realization can also be constructive. Unfortunately, China is prohibiting those two: independence and self-realization -- not just for Chinese children, but for American children too. Yet, without independence and self-realization, would Disney even exist? Probably not. Nor would thousands of other innovative American companies. China values conformity and compliance. In America, there is more emphasis on values that support innovation, including independence and self-realization.