posted ago by baizuocuck ago by baizuocuck +39 / -0

From my point of view, I feel that all of the political parties don't give a single solitary fuck about young people. The housing bubble is pricing young people out of the housing market. Young people give a huge chunk of their paycheque to their landlord. Landlords decided to take on massive debts with bankers to speculate on real estate. The Liberals and NDP are all too happy to import cheap foreign labour to compete against us in wages, compete against us in the rental market (you have to compete versus 8 Pajeets for a room rental) and take our jobs. The left is all about social justice warrior shit now. Anti-whiteness. Anti-masculinity. Anti-cishet. Anti-Christianity (and I'm an atheist but I can't stand the smug anti-Christianity bias from the left while they suck off Islam). The left doesn't give a fuck about the working class anymore. The SJW stuff made me walk away from the left. Now that the left is for lockdowns, my contempt for them is even stronger now.

And the Conservatives like Doug Ford are all too happy to go along with the COVID restrictions because conservative boomers are all of a sudden for socialism now that they are terrified of this virus.

They are also saddling our generation with a tremendous amount of debt to save the very boomers that fucked our generation.

I am not going to single out all boomers but a lot of them are selfish and don't give any fucks about our generation. Including my boomer dad.

The Liberals and NDP keeps whining that young people don't go out and vote. Well the Liberals and NDP made their fucking bed. The Conservatives are making their bed by going along with this shit too.

Fucking Justin Trudeau and Doug Ford have massive approval ratings. Fuck this country and fuck Ontario. Fuck Dr. Theresa Tam. Fuck Dr. David Williams. Fuck Dr. Bonnie Henry. Fuck Dr. Eileen de Villa. Fuck Dr. Isaac Bogoch. Fuck Dr. Saxinger. Fuck em all. Democracy is a failure and the irony is that we allowed unelected epidemiologists to rule our lives.