Hmmm... yeah I understand the push back and missed the symbolism ‘pentagram’ in the picture which I strongly disagree with. This is a worldwide movement against a world government. We are all in this together. Nationalism is important for all countries to maintain their unique identities and values. Open borders is never the answers.
Hmmm... yeah I understand the push back and missed the symbolism ‘pentagram’ in the picture which I strongly disagree with. This is a worldwide movement against a world government. We are all in this together. Nationalism is important for all countries to maintain their unique identities and values. Open borders is never the answers.
Silly me! I agree, yes it is pentagram and may I calmly withdraw my earlier statement. Peace!
By that you mean we're all getting fucked in the ass together by big daddy Trudeau and Winnie the Pooh, yeah we are all in this together.