AnotherBasedJew 1 point ago +1 / -0

Appreciate you having a spine and good character. Those who try and collectively blame Jews are literally exactly the same kinds of people as the anti-white leftists. They just don't know it, in fact they are so lacking in self awareness that they do not understand that the political right does not like them and that MAGA does not want them around. As a Jew its frustrating to see people casting dispersion on my character that are simply untrue. Thanks for being a stand up dude, for what its worth.

Imagine being so stupid that you interpret the obvious class war of globalism as racism just the way the oligarchs are trying to manipulate people to do. Its hilarious when the same people talk about fake news, all the while spouting lies they read on 4Chan about 100 year old documents that most Jews have never heard of, let alone follow. Unreal.