All retirement homes, mental health facilities and group homes are populated and staffed by people who were never prepared and never properly trained for what it takes to achieve a successful outcome in a majority of these places.
The few successful locations that exist have only done so due to pure luck in that the right staff and/or Executives, at the right time were able to collaboratively create a proper home, provide proper care for the "clients" and maintain the toll this work can take. It is also exceptionally rare that this success will survive the retirement or absence of those unique people who achieved it.
"Client" is the commonly used term in the office, board room and resident is the term used outside of the office, boardroom. In itself, the 2 terms are both dehumanizing and from an industry perspective it is designed this way. Executive Boards are about directives, not care. There are many external factors in Government, Health Care, Medical Agencies and Universities that control this and cannot be ignored in consideration in why things are the way they are.
Your written style, so far, is the right means to continue. However, as a "client" of this system you must remain compliant to a strong degree. If you do not, your file will be used as evidence to detract from any efforts you make and seriously discredit you. Search out the (very) few agencies that support the rights of "clients" within these facilities. It has been to long since I had dealings with them to offer you any examples. Executives fear them. Executives also fear "clients" such as yourself. You MUST make contact with someone who is a designated advocate and you MUST remain useful to that person's efforts to be make any successful change. IF an Executive exists on the Board of your facility that is of a genuine nature, seek them out as well. That Executive will be spoken about well by the good staff that exist IF you are lucky enough to have a good one on your Board.
Remember, even a few Executive Board Members are not "bad" people. They are just to so detached from the situation to comprehend how things really are and only can do what is within their power to do. The entire system has many many levels of dysfunction.
The same goes for the staff. Poor education, training and management coupled with years of mental strain, exposure to the outcomes of a variety of illnesses, death and aging in general can turn a relatively decent worker into an empty shell or a monster over time.
The outside world is quickly becoming one large facility, operating the same way, so you may as well condition yourself in how to survive these things and be part of the solution, not the problem.
Above all else, learn to adapt and overcome the obstacles presented to you without losing your empathy for those who cannot or you will become them. Steadfast.
You can become an agent of change. Be sure to do it responsibly and with purpose.