In my opinion, President Trump sounds like he's speaking under duress. This video feels like a hostage video to me.

The video was posted on Twitter? I thought Twitter was the first to ban the President from their platform? Now all of a sudden they are the first to rescind their ban, for the sake of this video??? Twitter decided to unban the President for this one video? Twitter would have to know in advance what the President's video would be before they could unban him.

0:00 I would like to begin by

This video starts with "I would like to begin by" with zero context to begin what from. What is he beginning? As if it should already be clear for the listener what this topic will be. This is the first statement in over 24 hours! No one knows what this topic will be, so why are we being presumed to know it?

After introductions and condemning yesterday's events, he says, "America is and must always be a nation of law and order." These words describe the America of the present and demands of the future. Notice no mention of the past on how it was founded from enlightenment ideas of natural rights. Thomas Jefferson wrote in the Declaration of Independence:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.-That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, -???? ???????? ??? ???? ?? ?????????? ??????? ??????????? ?? ????? ????, ?? ?? ??? ????? ?? ??? ?????? ?? ????? ?? ?? ??????? ??, ??? ?? ????????? ??? ??????????, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness."

Donald Trump has fought against a "rigged system!" for 4 years. Just yesterday half of his 90 minute rally about criminals hijacking the country whom are now assuming power was about listing evidence after the evidence to support this fact. And now all of a sudden Twitter makes an exception to his internet banishment to say the opposite? A man that says an election was fraudulent does not believe in a nation of law and order. That's appears to me to be a statement under duress.

0:52 We must get on with the business of America

Sounds like something Trump would say about stock markets, not about a country that he believes has been stolen.

1:02 My only goal was to ensure the integrity of the vote. In so doing I was fighting to Defend American Democracy.

Trump's speech uses the qualifier My only goal as if before an apology. So only 24 hours after the President was screaming for transparent democracy, he is apologizing for defending it? Sorry, that's just not the mind of Donald John Trump. Further, perhaps most significantly of all. the President states Defend American Democracy, he does so with dramatically escalating emphasis on these 3 words than any other words in the entire video.

1:11 I continue to strongly believe that we must reform our "election laws"

Trump "talks with his hands" and uses a sarcastic tone for the only time in the video when he says,""election laws"". Trump can't desire "election law reform" if only yesterday he believed we have been cheated by a rigged system. He knows the law is meaningless because it's ignored. He knows how stupid that statement is.

1:28 A new administration will be inaugurated on January 20th.

Whether under duress or not, this is Donald John Trump conceding both as President and as one man. He's gone as far as one man can go. Whatever has happened over the last 24 hours, Donald John Trump has surrendered.

The biggest question and my greatest fear is why? And maybe more importantly how?


I was watching a Global News segment (against my will) the other day, and they presented the video of Dr. Stella Immanuel as misinformation and debunked. This story was on TV for about 15 seconds maximum.

Here is that same Global News story in article form: The argument of the article is that since one doctor believes in spirit demons, she is not credible. Well that's fine that one doctor isn't! But that doesn't mean the other doctors aren't credible either.

Well, here is another doctor with real credibility saying the same thing as that group of doctors. Global News, when can we expect the retraction?

The doctors in the video were criticizing this study. You have to go to bottom of the page to find the authors and the disclosure of conflict of interest which is here.. The argument of the doctors is that there is a massive conflict of interest here! The study was funded by EMS pharmaceuticals, "the biggest domestic pharmaceutical company in Brazil" with revenues exceeding 1 billion US dollars "which provided partial funding, the trial drugs, and logistic support." EMS pharma has a vested interest in making a profit off of profitable drugs. This study claims to discredit the validity of a marginally profitable, affordable, and well understood medicine that was approved decades ago while at the same time nations are investing billions of dollars of public money to development medicines. The US has bought up virtually all the stock of a key Covid-19 drug 'Remdesivir'.

Why is the media not addressing the valid, peer-reviewed concerns of this study? Peer-review is a fundamental component of the scientific method. Any doctor or scientist that cites this study without at-all addressing the conflict of interest has, in my view, failed in their most basic duty as proffesional scientists, and damages their own credibility.

Below in this text I will quote the study's authors own declared conflicts of interests from the disclosure of conflict of interest attached to the study:

Author 1: "Dr. Avezum reports grants, non-financial support and other from EMS pharmaceutical industry, during the conduct of the study; "

Author 2: "Dr. Berwanger reports grants, non-financial support and other from EMS pharmaceutical industry, during the conduct of the study; grants from AstraZeneca, grants from Bayer, grants from Boehringer-Ingelheim, grants from BMS, grants from Servier, grants from Novartis, outside the submitted work"

Author 3: "Dr. Bleuel Amazonas reports personal fees from EMS, outside the submitted work; "

Author 4: "Dr. Bocchi de Oliveira reports personal fees from EMS, outside the submitted work"

Author 5: "Dr. Cardoso reports grants, non-financial support and other from EMS pharmaceutical industry, during the conduct of the study;"

Author 6: "Dr. Cavalcanti reports grants, non-financial support and other from EMS pharmaceutical industry, during the conduct of the study;"

Author 7: "Dr. Petri Damiani reports grants, non-financial support and other from EMS, during the conduct of the study; "

Author 8: "Dr. OLIVEIRA DE ABREU-SILVA reports grants, non-financial support and other from EMS pharmaceutical industry, during the conduct of the study"

Author 9: "Dr. de Barros e Silva reports grants, non-financial support and other from EMS, during the conduct of the study; grants and personal fees from Pfizer, grants and personal fees from Roche Diagnostics, grants from Bayer, outside the submitted work; "

Author 10: "Dr. Echenique reports grants, non-financial support and other from EMS, during the conduct of the study;:"

Author 11: "Dr. Falavigna reports grants, non-financial support and other from EMS pharmaceutical industry, during the conduct of the study; other from HTAnalyze Consultoria e Treinamento LTDA, outside the submitted work; "

Author 12: "Dr. Freitas reports grants, non-financial support and other from EMS, during the conduct of the study;"

Author 13: "Dr. Furtado reports grants, non-financial support and other from EMS, during the conduct of the study; grants and personal fees from AstraZeneca, personal fees from Servier, grants from DalCor, grants from Behring, grants from Jansen, grants from Novartis , grants from Novo Nordisk, outside the submitted work; ."

Author 14: "Dr. Gebara reports grants, non-financial support and other from EMS, during the conduct of the study;"

Author 15: "Dr. Golin reports grants, non-financial support and other from EMS, during the conduct of the study; "

Author 16: "Dr. Hoffmann Filho reports grants, non-financial support and other from EMS, during the conduct of the study; ."

Author 17: "Dr. Junqueira reports grants, non-financial support and other from EMS, during the conduct of the study; ."

Author 18: "Dr. Kawano-Dourado reports grants, non-financial support and other from EMS, during the conduct of the study; ."

Author 19: "Dr. Kormann reports grants, non-financial support and other from EMS, during the conduct of the study; ."

Author 20: "Dr. Laranjeira reports grants, non-financial support and other from EMS, during the conduct of the study; ."

Author 21: "Dr. Lisboa reports grants, non-financial support and other from EMS, during the conduct of the study; ."

Author 22: "Dr. Lopes reports grants, non-financial support and other from EMS, during the conduct of the study; personal fees from Bayer, personal fees from Boehringer Ingleheim , grants and personal fees from Bristol-Myers Squibb, personal fees from Daiichi Sankyo, grants and personal fees from Glaxo Smith Kline, grants and personal fees from Metronic, personal fees from Merck, grants and personal fees from Pfizer, grants and personal fees from Portola, grants and personal fees from Sanofi, outside the submitted work; "

Author 23: "Dr. Machado reports grants, non-financial support and other from EMS, during the conduct of the study; ."

Author 24: "Dr. Maia reports grants, non-financial support and other from EMS, during the conduct of the study; ."

Author 25: "Dr. Marcadenti reports grants, non-financial support and other from EMS, during the conduct of the study; ."

Author 26: "Dr. MILAN reports grants, non-financial support and other from EMS, during the conduct of the study; ."

Author 27: "Dr. Pereira reports grants, non-financial support and other from EMS, during the conduct of the study; "

Author 28: "Dr. Pontes Azevedo reports grants, non-financial support and other from EMS, during the conduct of the study; personal fees from Halex Istar, personal fees from Baxter, personal fees from Pfizer, outside the submitted work"

Author 29: "Dr. Rosa reports grants, non-financial support and other from EMS, during the conduct of the study; ."

Author 30: "Dr. SOARES reports grants, non-financial support and other from EMS, during the conduct of the study; ."

Author 31: "Dr. Souza-Datas reports grants, non-financial support and other from EMS, during the conduct of the study; ."

Author 32: "Dr. Tramujas reports grants, non-financial support and other from EMS pharmaceutical industry, during the conduct of the study;"

Author 33: "Dr. Veiga reports grants, non-financial support and other from EMS, during the conduct of the study; ."

Author 34: "Dr. ZAMPIERI reports grants, non-financial support and other from EMS, during the conduct of the study; .


Racism is so bad in the West that BLM and Antifa feel entitled to shut down society?

They call their grievances "systemic racism" (a crime alleging unequal social outcome due to unequal opportunities) while conveniently ignoring statistics and factual evidence, relying heavily on individual cases of racism which reinforces a confirmation bias. If you seek racism, you shall find it.

They are right there is no shortage of real racism. Where the dishonesty or failure to reason starts is when they accuse all others of one perceived group of sharing the same traits. This is called stereotyping and it exists in us all. This is a human instinct that helped our tribal ancestors to survive. Most modern people (in Western societies at least) would agree that it is unfair and not always accurate to assume that a person from a defined group must conform to that group. Generalizations in groups do NOT automatically apply to the individual who happens to be in whatever defined group! However there are indeed inferences that can be taken from averages from a group.

Statistically speaking, by measure of true equality of opportunity (NOT equality of outcome (equity) which is commonly misunderstood or deliberately misapplied by BLM in their view on systemic racism) the West is the freest and least racist society in any time or place in all of human history.

Not only are BLM and Antifa and their supporters so broken by their mental gymnastics that they fail to see (by lack of education, intelligence, or 'justified omission of the truth') the absolute inequality and racism that is "affirmative action" or "positive discrimination", a policy in which Canada is a world leader.

BLM and (modern) Antifa are American politics, and American politics spill into Canada. It is the exact same movement here as there (albeit with less outward chaos as of yet). With a far different history from the USA, the sheer hypocrisy of hardcore BLM or Antifa supporters is even stronger for their Canadian contingents.

BLM is a mob of group thinkers with the audacity that their broken misunderstandings of the world justifies them to be as lawless as they want to achieve a new world order that they can't even define.