CPC_4_Ever 2 points ago +2 / -0

Is this OK? Is that OK? Can I do this? Can I do that?

Mommy, can I? Daddy can I?

Stop asking for fucking permission. Just do it anonymously and don't worry about it.

Such fucking meek cowards, this entire country is full of them. No wonder the elites still have their heads still attached to their bodies.

CPC_4_Ever 3 points ago +3 / -0

The government and these thugs are using violence against freedom-loving people. But violence never solves anything, right??

Let me tell you, if actions like this led to one of these thugs getting their house burned down with them in it, this would give the rest of them something to think about before unleashing violence upon the people.

Until we start doing exactly that, they will continue to do what they do. Just remember that. Violence against thug oppressors is your natural right, no matter what the law says, no matter what the seething ladyboy moderators of this board say. If someone does this to you, don't get mad, use your brain, track them down, and fucking eliminate them from the earth.

BTW, I should mention, police are very vulnerable when they are NOT in uniform, and they live among us. They have neighbors, they can be found where they live. You know, just in case you want to 'talk' with them.

CPC_4_Ever 0 points ago +1 / -1

No, but these are vastly different levels of criminality. An intentional killing is much worse than killing through negligence.

Killing through negligence often will not result in meaningful jail time.

CPC_4_Ever 1 point ago +1 / -0

That's in some states, set by case precedent, not actual law. And it's actually any murder of a uniformed officer, which is different than an unintentional killing (ie. manslaughter).

It effectively means any second-degree murder charge gets upgraded to first-degree. The theory is that because it is a uniformed officer, you therefore have time to premeditate the killing as a means of escape. The killing itself is evidence of premeditation.

No such thing exists in Canada. We don't even have felony murder for being an accessory to a crime before the fact, where the crime results in a death (even if it's one of the perpetrators that is killed). We are very very soft on violent crime in this country. That will change soon as people get tired of more and more crime at the hands of the elite's pet migrant population.

CPC_4_Ever 0 points ago +5 / -5

Swing and a miss? What are you talking about. Some of us out here in the real world know this is a real virus and just how dangerous it is.

My neighbor down the street is dead because of Covid, and he was super-healthy. He might have been a little heavy, but I see him all the time walking in his yard, and he has most of his hair. I know he was a healthy man.

This virus is literally killing everyone. I will vote for anyone that will make things more safe and clamp down on you virus and hate spreaders. I love freedom too, but the police should be bashing the heads of anyone that puts anyone else in danger, it's what's right. Sometimes we need to take measures to make sure everyone has a safe and happy time at life. That is what the government is here for, and I for one am glad conservatives understand this.

CPC_4_Ever 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's different for politicians, they are very important people who need to take time to relax because their job is so tough. But this is a Liberal politician, so he is bad too. I am very conflicted internally.

CPC_4_Ever 0 points ago +2 / -2

The Conservative Party of Canada is leading the way for us all. Why do you people doubt our plan? Do you want Trudeau to win the next election?

If you want to save Canada from the evil Covid19 (which was created by the Libs) then the only way is to vote blue. Our Conservative friends that are leading the provinces are showing us the way. If anything, we need stricter lockdowns, and we need to clamp-down on the nay-sayers who advocate for dangerous civil disobedience. That is dangerous speech that has no place in Canada.

CPC_4_Ever 5 points ago +5 / -0

And what's wrong with printing money? If they do that enough, we will all become rich! That is what the Conservative party is all about. I know our great leader has my vote! Why not you too?