Just had a cart full of 1776.shop shit fucking ready to go and found out when I tried putting in my payment info they dont ship to caNADA wtf. is there any alternative? I need new work clothes and wanna piss off faggots
In Quinte west we have a population of 50,000 and Covid has permanently shut down the last night club in the area, all we have now is shit like Montanas, Chuck's roadhouse and other garbage franchises to drink at. The Gogo I'm praying does not shut down, it is the last remaining strip club in the area and the city will NOT allow zoning for a new one. If the GoGo goes we will lose strip clubs for good in this area.
Just wondering if anyone else has seen the same thing happening in their areas. I'm hoping this is not actually a big deal and there is no fuckery going on here. Strip clubs are strictly banned in China but hey virtual sex and onlyfans.com is acceptable!!
Guys are forking over thousands to amateur whores on onlyfans and idk how you could jerk off to a phone for a thousand dollars. Legalize and regulate prostitution, would save a lot of retards problems could spot the crazies and get them help. Imagine this next generation of kids who went through school on a fucking laptop at home, no social interactions except porn hub, lord have mercy. going to be generation PUSSY.
Weird coincidence or do they want me to only see American news and be pissed off at Americans and not do anything about my country?
I should ask hr or the IT guys at work tonight because that's bullshit even communities.win is blocked.