I've been REEEEEEEEEEEing for the last 8 hours but it doesn't look like it's gonna get better in Florida. PLEASE TELL ME HOW BIDEN CAN GET TO 270 without PA or Florida I LITERALLY CANNOT EVEN right now. I'm going out to restock my soylent but I will be back to REEEEEE some more. SOMEONE PLEASE TELL ME IT'S OKAY TO BE GAY. I've been having nightmares about Pence lately. I don't want to be sent to electric conversion therapy :(((

I understand you folks are not as dumb as me but if you care to explain why Wexit is the only way out, just elaborate.

The Post Millennial is Real News (thepostmillennial.com) ?️ SPICY ?️
posted ago by FakeHarvo ago by FakeHarvo