Feenix 1 point ago +1 / -0

Isn't is just so fucking bizarre how they oh so casually just toss in there "yeah but rules against hate don't apply to this group", as though that is a perfectly normal thing to do? And then they follow it up with 'helpful examples' so outrageously exaggerated that they make the whole thing even more cringe?

Holy fuck, what a demented world we live in.

by Zednix
Feenix 18 points ago +18 / -0

Over 200k subs banned so far. Still zero action against subs that foam at the mouth about how all white people should be killled. It is just SO FUCKING IRONIC that the original quarantine for /the_donald was put in place because of posts 'supporting violence against the police', which was of course total fucking horseshit.

reddit needs to end.