
"While the Code prohibits discrimination based on creed, personal preferences or singular beliefs do not amount to a creed for the purposes of the Code."

Absolutely terrible writing but now HR employees everywhere can say they are just 'following orders' and your opinion/choice doesn't matter.

So I take this to mean that, effectively, I no longer have agency over my life and body; I'm supposed to let bureaucrats make medical decisions for me?

How is this not crazy to everyone else? Or am I actually the crazy one? What am I missing here??


Well it finally happened, vaccine mandate at work.

Only way out is doctor's note for allergies or if you had previous issues with pericarditis or myocarditis.

There is a religious exemption option that they have to approve; you need to write out your reason and have a religious leader sign off on it. Wow.

I don't know what to do.

Is this an employment lawyer issue? Human rights lawyer issue? What religious reasons have worked for other people?

EDIT: Wait, there's an FAQ that says if I refuse to get the shot and don't have a reason under the Ontario Human Rights Code, I won't necessarily lose my job but I have to get tested twice a week and attend a vaccine propaganda seminar. Da fuck.


"..but I have less of a chance of ending up in the hospital!"

That's after you inform them that the 'vaccine' does not stop transmission and does not protect you from acquiring it. How do you even respond to that??

It never ends...


Asked the lady at the donation center if they were taking blood from people who have the mRNA vaccine and she said "of course."

Well that seems shortsighted to me, wonder if there are any concerns with tainted blood moving forward?